Top 10 Ways To Make Money Online

The Top 10 Best ways to Make Money Online without any investment. There are several home based online jobs are available to make money as a residual income. So, get ready to make money online with

This is mostly suitable for college students, housewives, job seekers and who wants to work in part time. Yes. Most of the online jobs are part time jobs but if you work seriously then you can make a monthly income of around $1000 to $2000.


Affiliate Marketing is the best way to promote the products of the shopping sites or the services offered by the company such as domain registering, web hosting, web designing, website promotion and etc.

Marketing defines that you should bring the customers to these companies through your blog or online advertisement. First you should register on the affiliate marketing company after that you will get a affiliate code to promote. Place the codes on your blog, these codes will be converted into ads each time when a visitor come to your blog. If that visitor interested in that products (shown in ads) and that visitor click and buy that product then you should receive your commissions.

Some popular shopping sites such as Amazon, Flipkart and some other companies like ShareAsale and ClickBank has the affiliate marketing system. In simple words, If you pick some customers to these  sites you earn money from there purchases.

In Affiliate Marketing your earnings is based on the price of the product that the customer should buy. Your commission should be 5% to 15% of total price.

AFFILIATE-MARKETING: Amazon AffiliatesFlipkart AffiliateSnapdeal Affiliate

Suggested Post: Affiliate Marketing Guide-2021 – From Top to Bottom


Youtube is the largest video sharing network. Earn money by youtube involves creating and publishing the videos into the youtube. After publishing just click on the monetize tab and turn ON the ads for your video. Here, it also use Adsense to display ads. By the way you are make money from the youtube. So, you can make a youtube into the money making tree by placing the ads on your video.

This is just like the Blogging. There you create good article to publish and here you create good video to publish. After publish a video you should activate Adsense for your youtube account to make ads visible to your videos.

While visitors watch your video they are also watch the ads that should appear on your videos by Adsense. That the way you should make a good make good income from the Youtube and Adsense.

This is also a “Make Money While You Sleep” method. In youtube your earnings is based on the number of youtube views and number of clicks that’s on the ads.

YOUTUBE: Adsense

Suggested Post: How To Make Money With YouTube?


Make money by blogging is an always good way to make a residual monthly income. There is no limit in your income. Blogging involves creating a free blog from Blogger or WordPress or creating a General domain blog such as .com (or) .net (or) .org.

In blogging  you should write some quality content articles and publish it on your blog. You should also create a free space in your blog to display advertisements. These ads should be placed by an advertising company such as Google Adsense, AdHitz, Revenue Hits and etc.

Adsense and AdHitz takes the world of blogs and websites in advertisements. When come to the blogging Adsense is the first choice because of its higher click through rate(CTR). AdHitz is the best alternative to the the Adsense.

While you get some visitors to your blog/site the ads to be displayed to your blog visitors. That ads make you money by the following ways, 1. Cost Per Click (CPC). 2. Cost Per Million view (CPM)

That the way you are making so much money from blogging. Blogging one of the money making way that is called as the “Make Money While You Sleep”. Whenever a visitor come to your blog, you make a cents of money that sounds good. In Blogging your income based on the no. of visitors and daily pageviews.

BLOGGING: AdsenseAdHitzRevenueHitz

Suggested Post: How To Make Money from Your Blog or Website?


Freelancing is a place where it connects the company and the workers. In it is, we are the temporary workers for these companies by doing some online and offline works to that company.

These sites provides various works and services such as content writing, photo & video editing, software creation, android application creation, website creation, website management, website development, advertising, internet marketing and etc.

These freelancing sites are really good to make money by doing some online works in part time. If you have any skills such as article writing, photo editing, video editing, singing, website development and any other skill then the freelancing sites makes you thousands of dollar monthly.

FREELANCING SITES: FiverrODeskElanceFreelancer


Buy a domain at low price from the popular domain registrar such as GoDaddy, BigRock, 1and1 or NameCheap and sell it at higher price on the same domain registrar(for easy cash dealing). i.e: Buy a domain from Godaddy that cost $5 and sell it on $100.

Choose a easily memorable, brandable and keyword rich domain name and buy it. So, we make a demand for that domain name. Whenever someones wants your domain they contact through the your domain registrar and see your price for that domain.

You can also make a deal for that domain by providing such as only 1 year sale for $50 and the next year that domain comes to your control after that you can again sell it with your own price. Or you can make the deal such as “Buy with $1000 to get this domain permanently”.

In this way you will make 2-100 times a money that you used to purchase that domain. In it is your earnings is very high but it need some time to people buy this domain. Sometimes you will get your sales after one day of purchase and also you get your sales after one year of purchase.

BUY & SELL: GoDaddyBigRock1and1NameCheap


Paid To Click (PTC) sites provides the easiest way to make money online by just watching the advertisers websites. Advertising  is the well-known business to popularize the product or service to the world.

If you are the member to watch these ads then you will earn some money around $0.001 to $0.02 per ad. The ads are updated daily in the PTC sites. It is a part time job that needs only 10-20 minutes a day.

The another advantage of the PTC sites are they also provide the commission to the users from there Referral Earnings. That means, If you join someone into the PTC sites through your Referral Link and the joined person earns $10 on that site, then you will earn $1 to $5 based on your 10%, 20%,….50% commission level.

There are thousands of paid to click sites available online but only some of the sites are really paying the users. The Top PTC Sites that really pays.

PTC SITES: AdzBazarScarlet-clicks, GptPlanet, AdzSeven, ClixBlue


Get Paid To (GPT) sites pays the money to the users who performs something such as click ads, read mails, watching videos, signup on sites, promoting sites, playing games and etc. GPT is the whole word which describes the following money making ways,

  1. Get paid to Click ads
  2. Get paid to Read mails
  3. Get paid to Watch Video
  4. Get paid to Signup
  5. Get paid to Promote
  6. Get paid to Playing games

PTC sites are also come to the GPT category. But why I am showing it separately and at Top 1 way to make money online. Because, PTC sites makes much more income than any other GPT sites. GPT sites are also commission paying sites.

GPT SITES: ClixsenseDonkeyMailsGetPaidMail


Survey sites are websites which pay money for your feedback and opinion about their product. These feedback and reviews are will be used to improve their product in the future. Mostly the surveys which needs 5 to 10 minutes to complete it depending upon the survey price. You can make upto $20 per survey depending upon the survey length.

SURVEY SITES: SuperPayRewardingWaysipanelOnlineInboxDollarsSwagBucks


Data Entry job is suitable for who has the typewriting skills. There are many companies on the internet providing the various types of data entry job.

I prepare don’t do any data entry job. Because most of the data entry jobs available in online is fraud(scam). They don’t pay the members. They satisfy the members by telling your typing (entry files) has less than the 80% of minimum accuracy level. So, you don’t receive any payment for your work.

Another some data entry sites ask you to invest some dollars to buy the training kit or software. These sites are useless. These sites are full of scam. They don’t pay for your work.


Captcha Entry job is one of the best legitimate data entry job. There is no fraud and scam in the most of captcha entry sites. If you have any typing skills that is good. But, if you don’t have a one that’s not a problem. Because solving 5 – 15 letters doesn’t require typewriting skills.

In captcha jobs you can earn $1 to $2 for every 1000 captcha solved. You can solve 1000 captcha in 1/2 to 1 hour depending upon your typing skills. They provide you a software for solving captchas.

CAPTCHA ENTRY JOBS: QlinkMegaTypers2CaptchaCaptcha2CashCaptchaTypers

“The first Top 5 methods are not suitable for  Beginners who are just new to the online jobs to Make Money. But the next 5 methods are suitable suitable for all members. So, if you are new to online jobs, that is advised to use the first 5 methods to make money online.”

Conclusion: doesn’t share any illegal or fraudulent information. We are the organization that provides the best ways to Make Money Online.

The above explained Top 10 Methods are 100% reliable home based online jobs and it is followed by the thousands of people including me. So, you can always trust this sites. Use this Online Jobs effectively to make a huge income from online.

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