Affiliate Marketing Guide-2020 – From Top to Bottom

Affiliate Marketing is the way to “Make money while you sleep”.

1. What is Affiliate Marketing – Affiliate marketing is the work of promoting the products or services of another persons, company or marketplace. For promoting their products you will receive a commission when these products are sold.

2. How Does Affiliate Marketing Work? – In Simply, there are 3 persons involved. 1. Seller, 2.The Affiliate or Promoter, and 3.Customer. The seller will give some commission to the affiliates or Promoter who will sell their products to the customers.

3. Choose the Products to Promote – Choose the products you are interested to promote or it is easy for you to promote. The product may be anything as Services or Digital Goods or some Shopping sites products. An online giant amazon also have their own affiliate network.

4. Choose a Good Affiliate Network – Choose the good affiliate network which gives the high commission for your work. I suggest ClickBank, ShareASale, Amazon Affiliates and some Hosting companies and etc.

5. Register as Affiliates – Don’t overthink, just signup on the affiliate networks you interested and start promoting your affiliate links. If anyone bought the products or services through your link then you will receive some commission.

6. Best way for Affiliate Marketing –  Blogging is the no.1 best way for Affiliate Marketing. Also using YouTube and Social media’s for promoting are the best ways. For social media’s I suggest FaceBook and Instagram for share your affiliate links.

7. How to Promote? – Through Blog Post, Share on Social Medias, Review the Products, Using Landing Pages, or Custom Banners.

8. Create content for that Products – Create content related to that products based on your experience on that product or service. And share that content with your affiliate links.

9. Start Promoting your Affiliate products – You also need to promote your affiliated products in-order to get the maximum number of sales. Promoting involves write reviews and in-detail explanation about the product. Not only placing affiliate links or banners on your Blog or Social media’s will not give a result.

10. Receive a sale Commission – Receive the Commission when your affiliated products sold each and every time. Finally you are on the stage of “Make money while you sleep”.

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